Chapter 11
Unfortunately, chapter 11 is going to be ‘the missing chapter’.
I discovered recently that one of my qualities which I hold dear, is to tell the truth, come what may….even if it doesn’t especially serve me. When I started this dowsing work I just knew I had to write everything down, perhaps for posterity…perhaps because in the future folk might want to know how all this came about, this Lumis work.
What has happened though is that I was requested not to write about one specific aspect of the work as it was apparently too sacred, too delicate, and not for the eyes of everyone.
For a long while I disagreed with this view, but finally, as I had already promised not to, I decided that I would, in this one situation, hold back.
During this process, which has been difficult, I have had to take a long look at myself and approach some tricky issues that I didn’t really want to look at. It’s not been a comfy experience….but the moments of ease in life rarely yield that which is most useful on the path.