Discovering Darkness
My name is Qadir and I am a dowser and Geomancer.
As a part of my home clearing/dowsing activities, I discovered, apparently by chance, that there was a system of dark energy locations that appeared to be used by the wealthy and powerful for their own benefit. These locations I call Soul Prisons as they dowsed as being places of incarceration for soul forms.
A Soul Prison first appeared in my consciousness in Buckingham Palace of all places. In the throne room. One major centre of power of the dynasty of the family Windsor. I was shocked, but somehow not surprised, that a ruler had used or had ordered to be used, dark works to presumably promote and project their power around the British Isles and further out in to the world via the huge mechanism that was the British Empire. The very centre of it happened to be The Tower of London, which had served the kings and queens of England for hundreds and hundreds of years.
Buckingham Palace
This was the first step in to the dark world of those who hold power. I had worked on a home in Wales that had obviously been used in an attempt to trap the earth energies for dubious purpose and after clearing that I started to wonder who in the Kingdom I grew up in would use this sort of power. Half kidding myself I had a look at Buckingham Palace in London, remotely of course, and immediately found this location highlighted as a power spot. It is of course the room that leads on to the famous balcony where for many years the royals have deigned to wave at the populous on special occasions. It turns out that every single residence of the royals, from The Tower of London, to Windsor, to Sandringham, all of them were embedded with the energy of soul prisons….except significantly, those used by HRH Prince Charles.
I looked further afield after that first glimpse of wickedness and found multiple similar sites around London, which of course was the heart of Empire, number 10 and 11 Downings Street, Her Majesty’s Treasury and both houses of Parliament…and then across the seas to Washington and The White House, The US treasury and the State Department….Moscow and The Kremlin…Beijing and The Forbidden Palace…The Emperor’s Palace in Kyoto in Japan. Seemingly everywhere, knowledgeable people had been discreetly and secretly, as far as I could see, trapping souls in multiple locations and using that trapped energy as a kind of battery for and magnifier of their own intentions.
It turns out there are many ways this dark work can operate.
I believe it starts with the death of an individual. It’s said that after death a soul can often wander around for a period. Sometimes quoted as being forty days and nights. If they are wandering around it may mean they have no sense of direction and no sense of self or time or anything that can anchor them and possibly they don’t even know they are dead. In the normal course of events the soul will eventually fade away, hopefully going to where it truly belongs.
Unfortunately, it has been discovered that it is possible to trap souls and draw them to certain chosen locations and keep them there for dark purposes.
The dark purposes seem to vary from empowering the intention of an individual or perhaps a group, to outlining an area of conquest or ownership, protection at a palace or castle or actually any building or area…and perhaps there are many more uses. One thing is certain, that this technology is used primarily by the wealthy and the powerful…and religious organisations of different persuasions.
I do not believe the technology is used for the benefit of the general population at all, but to rule and empower those that use it. I will say also that I believe the earth energy line system has been co-opted in to these systems of power and it seems likely this has all been known of, in the British Isles at least, since the invasion of William the Conqueror in 1066 and possibly before.
There are many aspects surrounding this phenomenon that are unknown to me, and I really don’t want to know very much more than I have to, bearing in mind the nature of the people who use this for their own purposes. My interest lies in dissolving the spells of incarceration, setting the souls free so that they may continue on their rightful path unhindered and then cleansing the location of the prison, both within and without and then ensuring that the prison is closed and can never be used again in any way whatsoever.
Fortunately, this can all be done remotely…most often using Google Earth. For a long while I worked clearing the prisons in such a way that I was very involved. I found this exhausting and perhaps it was because I was using my own power or perhaps it was due to holding such a strong connection with the spirit world. I know not. Now a method has been developed where the go between, me, is as removed as possible from the release and this has made a huge difference to the safety aspects of the work and large areas of a territory can be cleared all in a particular time frame and I am completely absent.
I am sure there will now be a question about how this works? Again, I hardly know. I work inviting the angelic energies, angels and archangels, helpful friends and guides, a circle of friends from beyond the veil to whom I feel very much to be attached, and two very particular guides….and I invite them to complete the task. I hardly know what the task is, just that these souls must be released and the area cleared. Obviously, my intention and my initiation are the sparks that set the work in motion…but I do not at this time know how it is done or by whom, but the results are instantly visible using dowsing, once the time for the work to be done has been reached.
It’s very evident I am supported in this work and have been drawn to it, entirely out with my own volition. I would never have thought to choose this as an occupation, but now that I do it, I am extremely grateful.
It fills me with wonder constantly, that this work is being done, and that I have a part to play in it. I do worry occasionally that I am fooling myself, or worse, being fooled by some other entity….but almost constantly there are reminders of success and positive change. I cannot claim to be responsible for the change or the success, but it does give me great pleasure when in some form some feedback appears to show ‘A Result’ !!!
Please know that I bare no ill will to those that have engaged in the dark works described here. All those people have been part of a system that was all about self-aggrandisement. Of top-down structures of governance. Of power and wealth for the few and outright oppression of the powerless. Things are changed now and we are, whether they like it or not, heading for change. Soon, these old systems will be swept away and a new system will be in place that will serve EVERYONE….and I cannot wait to see it…
At this time, all the of the British Isles have been cleared, though it’s very possible that one location has a spell that continuously draws in souls. It’s also certain that the initial ‘level’ that I’ve been working on is just one layer of a multilayer system of prisons. Starting probably with the layer of Royal Decree, then as areas were captured from the incumbent Saxon Lords, the Norman rulers would take over the area and install their own minor systems. I am certain many Kings and Queens have used and expanded these systems. Others too have had this technology, such as the churches and they too would have their systems in place. Our work has been expanded to dissolve the prisons of the British Empire and that will continue for some time. Again, it is almost certainly a multilayer system.
Once that’s all done, then I fully expect the work will further expand out to see what other countries used the technology and to dissolve that as well. A big task.
This all seems to be very negative and by association perhaps it would easily draw in fear…and actually there was a period when many people were very concerned about the safety aspects of my doing this work.
I’m pleased to say we seem now to have found a safe and sensible balance and all goes well.
The Houses of Parliament were the second major structure that I had a look at and here it can be seen very clearly that there has been a complete series of soul prisons laid right from Big Ben, through the Commons chamber, in to the House of Lords and right down to the Kings Chamber. I looked at various government buildings after this and of course Her Majesty’s Treasury had a large array of Prisons as did numbers 10 and 11 Downing Street and many departmental buildings around the area of Westminster.
Battle Abbey
Once I had been alerted to the nature of these places we fairly quickly started to call soul prisons, I was also alerted to a place I knew very well. Battle in Sussex. I was told that there was likely a prison there and I immediately knew its location and picked it up very easily. Battle Abbey is the site of the Battle of Hastings of 1066, when the incumbent King Harold was killed and his Saxon army annihilated. It was very evident that, having many new souls available, William had his Wizard or Geomancer incarcerate them very close to the site of the battle and probably direct the earth energy lines to meet right over the spot. William quickly moved on to London to install himself in the Tower of London and from there, over the next twenty years, overcame all resistance in the entire British Isles as it was then. There were many horrors committed during this time and mass starvation brought down upon the Northern counties. He had his men oversee the building of over five hundred fortifications to compound his rule…and of course, each area was overseen by a Norman Lord who had summarily replaced the Saxons Barons and Lords. It is often said that the descendants of these people are still ruling the country even now, nearly one thousand years later.
There is on the map a star structure of yellow lines. These lines represent the earth energy lines…and it is of interest to me that I was born just a mile away, precisely on one of these lines. This has definitely had an effect upon me in a very particular way… Something I discuss in my book of this work, if it ever gets published.
The Rollright Stones
The next big jump in understanding came when I was asked to have a look at the Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire. These stones form an ancient circle in the north of the county and I have visited once or twice. Dowsing remotely, I could see that here too, someone had been messing around with dark works as the stones clearly had souls incarcerated in each location. This required further investigation, and mapping out the earth energy lines across the landscape, I discovered that each line had upon it a very large house and within the gardens of those houses a soul prison. It was as though the owners of these estates all knew about the lines and the prison system and were using it for their own purposes. It was astonishing that nearly all the locations were so similar in how the lines interacted with the buildings and the garden and that all the prisons were outside in very specific locations, usually in a secluded area or sometimes in a garden feature that would be a viewed from the main house. All of this needed further investigation.
English Prisons
As this soul prison system started to become evident, I decided to start looking in a more organised way at the country as a whole, to see how far this extended. I started right up in the Orkneys and moved gradually down through Scotland and in to England and Wales. I was picking up locations all over the place, usually in ancient sites, associated with the fortified buildings of the Norman invaders, but also buildings from later ages, especially of the Victorian era.
At a certain point I came to realise that there really was an organisation to this and this map shows in red the prisons that I discovered in the north of the country and the blue sites being what I now believe is an organised Royal Decree system. All the areas in Blue are irregular circles, always having a central point prison and I suspect that these were gifted areas to those that had done service to one king or queen throughout the ages. The overruling site for this system is The Tower of London…though I believe Windsor Castle is also a major point within it.
British Isles Prisons
Eventually, I mapped out what I believe to be the entire Royal Decree system that covered the entire British Isles. This took several months to do and was really a task. All these individual points were dowsed, usually to within a few meters of their location. It became apparent that there were different types of systems of installation, presumably depending which era had done the installing. The most of the countries of England and Wales being covered possibly in the Norman era, then enlarged in the Elizabethan era, Scotland in the Victorian era and Northern Ireland as late as 1969. beneath this layer I am certain there are many other prisons, set up by individuals for their own purposes, but all relying upon innocent souls to bring them power. Fortunately, this entire system was fairly easy to dismantle, though it took some time.
Northern Ireland
It was in Northern Ireland, where the border had been outlined in an extremely dense and continuous line of soul prisons, that another discovery was fortunately made, that we could release many prisons all at once, using a method by which we also didn’t need to be actually present or in connection in any way with the event of release. This was a brilliant discovery and made the work much safer and very much less exhausting. I feel certain, in the layout of these prisons, some association was with the British Army, as the way they were all positioned was very coherent and it was also just before the troubles began there between Protestants and Catholics. The line of prisons was presumably intended to act as a border protection measure.
Other places around the world.
After working my way through the entire British Isles, I obviously had to have a look at various places around the world to see if the same technology had been used there. I found it was, but again in different ways, depending upon the age of the installations and probably the culture behind the work. I looked at The Emperor’s Palace in Kyoto Japan, The Forbidden City in Beijing, The Kremlin in Moscow, The White House in Washington, USA and all these and more had similar systems. I feel it completely necessary to clear all these places, as much as I can…However I decided, after the British Isles were cleared, it was incumbent on me to work on those countries that were once ruled or under the thrall of Britain..The British Empire.
The British Empire.
The Caribbean.
I started working on the Caribbean Islands, as those were early examples of the system. Obviously the prisons were part of the system of ownership of the land areas and presumably installed around the era of the slave trade.
South Africa.
I worked on Canada and then South Africa, both large areas of land mass and both having dark histories of oppression. I know for a fact that in South Africa there are again layers of these systems as I found on close inspection of the city of Cape town, the police stations, schools and other municipal buildings had soul prisons installed. In South Africa also, Cecil Rhodes, who was a huge influencer in the late 19th century and apart from having the country of Rhodesia named after him, also owned diamond mines and was active geopolitically in the area, effectively stealing the native lands by annexation. He also was known to work with black Magic.
The so called jewel in the crown of the British Empire. This again is a huge land mass. The soul prison system outlines the main area of the country as it was when it was ruled by the British, before partition that happened in 1947.
…and so. The work suddenly took a different turn.
I was in a message chat with Rory Duff who asked me to look at the situation around the Palantine hill above Rome. Springing from that request a whole raft of new discoveries have come to light and it’s completely changed the direction of the work.
Around the area he asked me to look at, I immediately discovered a series of prisons all in a line…and the line turned in to a box and then in to two boxes and then each box had multiple lines of prisons within them. An extremely dense energetic and negative energy situation that I had never seen before. I started looking for the earth energy lines and they were there but were huge… Much larger than I’d ever seen before as well. Scattered amongst all of this were some spots of black magic and central prisons with huge numbers of souls in them. 4.8 and 5.6 million. The prison boxes were set within the lines and the lines connected to cities further afield. Down to Naples and the Volcano of Vesuvius…and right across Europe. Obviously all of this was to do with the Roman empire and dated as such. Within Rome of course is the Vatican city and the Basilica of St Peters. There was a lot going on there!!! A huge set up of negative structures of prisons and black magic. There was also the Reptile meeting hall.
Rome and it’s boxes of prisons…with the Vatican placed at the most powerful point of the juncture of the lines.
After this I was guided to visit the place on the border between Switzerland and France where there is the Hadron Collider…Cern, and this too had some surprises…that the Romans had been here too!
It was evident that they had found a couple of Vortexes and had made a circular Prison structure…for which purpose still eludes me, but it looks to me remarkably like the new construction of the Cern Collider…and I wonder what that could mean? As I go on with this work I am beginning to hear more of what is being done here, and it’s not good. Devil worship is just the beginning.
The site of the Cern Hadron Collider in orange and the circle of prisons in blue belonging to the Romans. The purple markers are of prisons that had previously been removed in 1452….and who did that then?
I then moved on to look at Israel and found there many overlays of thousands of year’s of dark works, starting at Jericho in 7800 BC…and continuing with the Romans of course, right up to the present with the current government and it’s plan to imprison those who once held the land, especially in Gaza.
Israel and it’s intense border prisons (which I found in Gaza, bottom left and continued right around the entire border.) The block of prisons installed by the Romans is the blue lined box.
I then went to have a look at the area around Visoko in Bosnia-Herzgovina which is where the Bosnian Pyramids have been discovered. Another huge block of prisons of lines within lines within lines…a very intense structure, dowsing as being extremely ancient 26,000 years old..;and the pyramids at 46,000 years old. This way before the end of the last ice age!
The region of Visoko and the first layout of prisons that I discovered.
Then, after a few days of mulling it over…a second block of prisons appeared and within this, finally I could see that there were Vortexes closely associated with the points of junction of the lines…;and that these vortexes threw out lines of energy, and perhaps these were what we know of as earth energy lines.
The two huge boxes of soul prisons with their vortexes close by the Bosnian Pyramids.
Just one of many vortexes with it’s lines at Visoko.
Around the same time I was looking at Egypt and the pyramids at Giza and they had a very similar structure of lines and a very similar installation of soul prison boxes…and vortexes, which also had spurs of energy swinging out and over the land. Every pyramid had it’s vortex, as did the Sphinx and in fact the whole of Egypt was surround by a dense protective ring of prisons on the border…extraordinary!…but we’re perhaps getting used to the extraordinary…
The full array of the Soul prisons around the Egyptian border and the blocks of prisons set out between the lines, to the South.
…and the situation in the North at Giza.
…and the Vortexes at Giza and their spur lines.
Next in line was a good look at what was going on in China, at the Terracotta Army and Beijing with it’s Forbidden Palace.
At the site of the Terracotta Army, the structure of prisons was massive. The energy lines too were massive, measuring 47 kilometers across. Beijing however trumped that with huge energy lines and an enormous and elaborate defensive and perhaps ‘intentional’ oppressive layout, right across the city and the main lines going right through the gates of the high walls. The Great wall of China also had a very dense installation of prisons, presumably right along it’s length. All of this amounting to a huge work of geomancy, spread out over many, many generations….
Terracotta Army and it’s flanks of protective prisons.
The Beijing layout of defensive prisons.
The Forbidden Palace, being in the most powerful spot of the meetings of the lines.
At this juncture, it seems like we have stumbled upon a completely different system of energy lines, which are broader than any previously seen and definitely have been used by different peoples to create empires. The prisons are set out between them in one particular manner, though some of the situations differ, the prisons span the lines and appear to cause an obstruction..almost certainly creating a negative flow to what once had been positive. Their existence does seem to affect the vortexes. It appears that they have been installed later and are related to the peoples that created empires close by these sites.
The energy lines we have seen since Rome are very different in nature and have a regularity in their construction unlike anything seen before and it does seem that an advanced race might have established them…. I dowsed one as having been put in place 29,000,000 years ago…and if I’m correct, the original system was put in place to be an energetic advantage to life on earth…
So, we have much to learn!!