Love Arising
As the work of clearing soul prisons continued, there came a point where it became obvious that something else was possible…something else needed.
I had been working with the searching out of soul prisons for many months, and it had originally started as a very time consuming and tiring process, of looking at each site individually and pin-pointing the location using Google Maps, sometimes to within a meter or so of their position on the ground.
I cannot actually recall how the thought arose, but the thought arose that it would be a good idea if the negative aspects of the soul prison networks could be reversed and replaced by a positive energy….Love.
Perhaps this was inspired by listening to Pam Gregory, Astrologer on her regular astrology updates on Youtube. I have felt for a long time that my work closely parallels much of the information she shares, especially around her insights in to the upgrading of us collectively as humans and the necessity of our choosing the road of basic 3D energy or 5D energy…The low vibrational existence or the higher vibrational existence….and imagining in to existence a new way of being. The New Earth….and that this new way will be the way of Love.
The work available and presented here in these pages will offer the possibility for many people to engage with one very simple way to empower specific dowsed locations, around the world, with Love. These locations we have called Love Beacons…and the process is very simple.

The British Isles Love Beacon system.
This image of the British Isles, where all the layer of the Royal Decree prisons have been released and cleared and all of that layer has been replaced by dowsed points of Love Beacons was the first entire system to be established.
The yellow lines represent something similar to Earth Energy lines, but perhaps they are more like Ley lines. In any event, the beacons are largely associated with those lines, which were dowsed separately and after the Beacons. Each country making up the United Kingdom was also dowsed separately, and it was an extraordinary moment when the maps were combined and it was found that it all fitted together so smoothly. I think it highly likely that the layout is closely connected in temperament with myself and as other maps might well be with anyone engaged with this work, and is entirely logical, but I or others would have to do more research to find out exactly how all this comes to be.
At this time of September 9th 2022, we are just about to have another super strong shift of energy with the full moon happening tomorrow. The old Queen has just died and the King yet to be crowned…and politically the nation is wobbling around all over the place. Folk are literally starving and thousands of businesses are closing due to fuel price rises. It’s apparently a mess!! Let’s see what happens when a lot of folk empower these Love Beacons, across the country, in the area of Westminster, Downing Street and at Chequers, the country home of the Prime Minister.
We now have regular meetings happening of Lumis groups through the week on the UK timeline and a North American group and an Australian/New Zealand group is forming soon. You can easily join these Zoom meetings by clicking the link on the ‘Join Meetings page.