Connection with the Love Works

How you can join in and envision the new earth.

And so…  we come to the important work of empowering the Love Beacons.   This is actually remarkably simple and it is my suggestion that this may be approached in two ways.

The first is to work alone, or perhaps with the ready assistance of spirit helpers or guides/angelic beings.  I offer this advice if you wish to do this. Look on the Love Maps pages and find your preferred map and…

Be comfortable and at ease as much as you can.
Breathe, and draw breath up from your earth root.
Breath and draw breath down from your universal connection.
Let the breath of both arrive in the Heart. The toroidal Heart.
Bring attention to the Heart.
Breathe in the Heart, drawing up, and drawing down.
Expand the consciousness of Heart with every breath.

Gaze upon a Love Beacon map.
Witness the Love Beacons.
Using the strength of intention…empower the Love Beacons.
If you have helpers or guides or angelic connections, invite their assistance, always for the highest good.
Rest in the witnessing of the Love Beacons as you breathe.
Please offer gratitude when you are finished…

The second way to do this work is to join us in our Love Beacon empowerment evenings which are via Zoom, the invitations for which you can find on the invitations page.

The work we do in this way, using the maps, is entirely new. The maps have only just been created and it may well be that the working method changes as we go forward…much as all of this work has progressed apparently by a higher guidance.  

If you would like to join in our regular Zoom group meetings, these will be held regularly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings each week at 7.00pm London.
Sunday afternoons at 2.00pm Central USA/Canada.
A new group in Australia and New Zealand is forming soon.

You will be able to connect with a meeting through Zoom on the day and time of your choice by clicking the menu and selecting Zoom Group Meetings. You can also connect directly with Qadir online by emailing…. ….

Please do keep in contact with me whichever method you use to do this work and to ensure that I can contact you with further information, changes or events in the future.