Chapter 5

So…this morning I awoke, took care of my creature comforts, a wee and a drink and decided to have a meditation. I’m sometimes very lax about this, especially on these cold mid winter mornings. This morning though I got myself sat up in bed and started to breathe and pull the consciousness together. Over the last six months or more I’ve started a new form of breath work in my meditations. It’s connected to what I heard some time ago about Toroidal energy forms and how by drawing energy up from the earth and down from the heavens at the same time, they meet right in the middle, at the Heart. I’ve found that this is a hugely successful form of bringing consciousness to a state of calm, lending the opportunity for the greater consciousness to become known again and for the two to meld. Sounds a bit like the work of Spock on Star Trek, but it suits me. 

This morning I really had to tell the mind to shut up as it was going off wildly about conversations I wanted to happen in respect of the recent dowsing work and it was giving me absolutely no peace at all. This morning mind behaved itself when commanded and I very easily found myself right at the point of balance. This is a place where Love can really expand and can travel with consciousness to wherever it wants to go or wherever One wants to direct it. This morning I went with more than a little Love to a friend that I’ve felt very close to recently and that is making me happy to share this experience…I know she lives on an earth energy line and I’m wondering if she can feel this burst of affection coming down the line. 

And then… I was reminded of something Pam Gregory, Astrologer has been saying for a while. That this time right now is a time to really expand one’s frequency. I tried this a few days ago and got a bit lost as I have no idea what a higher frequency would mean for me. I’d been pushing my envelope but seemed to get no-where. Perhaps the best I achieved was to put out a call for help as I established fairly quickly that I didn’t know. In any event, this morning, with that sacred knowledge of “I don’t know”, I felt that it was silly chasing after something way outside of myself and just decided to be me…but a me of heightened frequency…..and then, and then, the most extraordinary thing occurred. 

In mind’s eye I began to see a diorama of three individuals, sitting together around a fire. I felt instinctively that I was one of them, sitting between them, but ‘I’ was also outside looking in. The individual that was me had his back to me and I could only see his outline lit up by the fire. 

I saw that these other individuals were known to me, Chiron and Myriddin. I was honoured to be with them and wondered for a while, if I was with them, who was I? We held hands. Left hand up, right hand down….and sat. I could feel the course rough skin of Chiron and the leaner more graceful fingers of Myrridin. I got the distinct impression that another being was missing and it soon manifested as the Devil all dressed in flames and looking really quite scary this time. I don’t think there was even a flicker of fear amongst us and I quickly sent him away and put a large shield Orb of reflective gold and silver around us so that we wouldn’t be bothered by any of his nonsense. Still being in the experiential position behind the group I began to see a beautiful feminine image hovering above the fire, between these three seated figures. She was truly ethereal and shining with inherent light…the folds of her garment flowed around her and I saw the group all breathing in the grace that flowed from her. At this point my place of experience changed from outside the circle to sitting between my two guides. I continued to draw this miasmic energy deep in to my body and my entire being. The physical, the spiritual…the soul. Breathing it in and in and in until my entire being was filled with light. As this came to an end I found that the body I now inhabited was also become light and that I was coated in a protective armour. Breast plate, arm plating and shoulder epaulettes of white steel and doubtless leg grieves as well. I must be honest I felt completely overdressed! I tried removing some of it, preferring a light chain mail with a tunic and soft leggings but I think I ended up with a breast plate…and who knows? Cumbersome it might be, but some day I might need it. As this was going on I started again to wonder who I was to be gifted and honoured like this…and mind travelled in only one direction….but quite frankly I felt it wasn’t for me to give myself a name.    

After this, suddenly, a kind of volcanic eruption event opened up before me of heated earth breaking apart with molten lava within. I entered in and was completely immersed in the boiling mass. No heat touched me and there was no fear whatsoever. 

As I sat with my friends and guides once more, I explored the possible meanings of this and felt that now, finally the healing of this poor old body would begin. I breathed and breathed in the energies that were like ambrosia and I knew absolutely that I will be healed. I invited that whole heartedly. 

And finally my name popped up. Lumis… A beautiful light and easy name. Lumis. “Bringer of light” and also used as a surname, “From the place by the pool”. I think that a really rather charming name and will carry it with deep gratitude. 

Of course all good things end and I was swept away by mind again, but felt very deeply the beginnings of health and healing. Fairly quickly I got up and dressed, feeling very different in body. Yes my leg still burned, and yes my hernia was still sore and yes too, the vertigo was still with me….but I felt different. I felt stronger. Stronger in spirit and in body and this was wonderful. As I write, I am seated again in the wheel house of my ship. Brilliant sunshine is gracing the landscape around . Fred is curled up next to me and life is good. I’m a lot in awe of the vision I had just a few hours ago and it’s like nothing else I ever experienced. Has it any baring upon reality? Well you tell me what is real! We are mortal flesh, hung upon a skeleton, walking on a rock…hurtling through space, and that’s just the bit that we know about. If there are different dimensions, I feel I just visited one and was honoured for making the journey. Perhaps I’ve fulfilled a pre-determined role…. Have I come near to that promise of “Enlightenment” that was made so long ago, as I stared up in to the firmament flying above me…? “I” really “Dont Know”. 

Since this vision I’ve been more and more committed to the work in hand of finding soul prisons around the country. I have the time on my hands, and absolutely the desire to free these souls, and the desire for a much more equitable society too. I just find it horrifying that a person/group of people, would consciously imprison others’ souls for their own benefit. I just cannot abide it. Unfortunately it’s probably outwith the reach in understanding of the law…. Not The True Law perhaps, but I wish they wouldn’t do it and I intend to clear their mess up after them. 

I continue with this work for several days. It’s very repetitive and to some extent wearying. It takes as much effort as I can extend to do two or perhaps three groups of prisons in a day. Working up from Cornwall I find little ways to speed the process up. I’m getting used to using Google Earth and that makes it faster. But then I notice something peculiar. When I’m doing the survey work I look at the area I’m working on from a great height, perhaps several miles high. I use the pendulum swinging rapidly on a short chain and I run my left index finger down the left side of the screen until the pendulum starts to swing. Then I move my finger across the screen until I get a further swing. It’s just the start of a twitch and then my hand rocks quickly to amplify the response and then the pendulum circles round extremely rapidly when my finger reaches the exact spot. This is repeated at lower heights above ground until I’m inexorably drawn to a farm or such and am shown the exact location….But what I’m now feeling is that I have another hand and another eye joining me in this endeavour!! This is a really curious sensation of having someone’s body experience within my own. This continues for several days until I decided to ask about this using the pendulum. It came back as being very clear that this is Chiron, assisting my work. Crikey! This is unexpected but perhaps after our fireside powwow and the extraordinary things that happened there, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. Sitting in meditation again last night I asked again and again about this situation and whether it was harmful for me? Was it beneficial for me? Was it an assistance? Was I safe? I do have history with other beings in my body and none of them were a good idea. This time though I was assured all was well. However, was this necessary? In terms of spiritual evolution I believe that one is stronger if all arises as a demand of the one individual human, and then spirit, The Divine will respond accordingly. To have another being such as Chiron within my organism was perhaps a blessing on one level, but in a broader view it could be that I could be distracted by having such an august presence within me and that actually would delay my natural progression. Again “I don’t know”…so anyway I decided to go with….”this is wonderful and thank you, but don’t distract me please!”….and that all of a sudden led me on to another cute experience….of formlessness. How did this occur? I don’t actually remember the details exactly, but I left body behind, though it remained visible and present, but consciousness was all of a sudden, with a few wobbles, in a place of being formless. I could feel the far attachment to body, but could rest in formlessness. Nice!! 

It was possible to remain there really without effort…until of course mind took me again and then I found form again. My bed, my doggie snuggled up….lying comfortable and at ease. Then as soon as I move, the annoying pain of the nerves and hernia and shoulder… Nice though to have that potential of the formless in my toolbox! 

I immediately questioned the I Ching on what had just been shown and it said “Opposition”. And actually that’s exactly it. Opposites of the same experience of being. Formed and formless. This was a perfect balance…though there was also a warning about this coming to an end… 

I completed the south of England yesterday also…it was a busy day!! In the evening too, with the hand of Chiron, I also visited the Channel Islands. Guernsey was ringed entirely around it’s coast with prisons, all regularly spaced from each other and Jersey of course has a ring around it’s coastline. All very predictable now. I’m off to Alderney next and I dare say the same will be true there. I’ll do the Scilly Isles of course, then we get back to the Midlands, going over the large number of Prisons already uncovered and some already released.   

Whilst this has been going on apace, I’ve occasionally been offered the question about whether what I’m discovering is actually real and has any credibility or truth to it. It’s obviously such a widespread system, with so many prisons, with what I believe to be many, many manipulated earth energy lines attached and intrinsically being a part of a whole system covering entirely the British Isles, you’d have thought someone else would have spotted it. Apparently not! I know that a lot of people showed interest when I started to show what was there on the Earth Energies Facebook page, but I’m actually banned from placing any more posts on soul prisons on that page as the page owner seemed to really have an issue with them. J… suggested that that might be the case because he could have a soul shard remaining somewhere in a soul prison and be so freaked out by my posts he just couldn’t cope… I don’t know, but that’s one idea that seems to have some resonance to me. He started wittering on about my ego in reference to my work and I had to say to him, privately, that I felt we all should not judge anyone’s spiritual state as in Reality we are of the Divine and it becomes that we judge That in It’s divine unfolding….so how can we possibly know? Or words to that effect!! I got no further response. I miss already not having the access and feed back of the page though and must try again to start my own. It was very sweet to have hundreds of folk leaving “likes” or comments….and yes it did exercise my control of ego somewhat!!!  

Since that was written…what a change…again!! 

I carried on and carried on with the dowsing. Carefully logging the position of each prison. It’s very important to me that I don’t miss any, but I fear it’s inevitable. There are so many….hundreds…and then hundreds more. I start to ease off investigating each one and just do the essential of marking the spots…one upon another upon another. I get to the English/Scottish border and with some relief take a break for a day or so. I know the Scottish border region quite well as I lived up there ten years near Hawick. It’s beautiful and wild and sometimes bleak in winter….and the winters are too long for me, but what a beautiful land!! 

Up in to the Highlands I start to see some of how this might have been done. It occurs to me that actually these might not have been physically visited to implant the prisons as they are so out the way… Is there some mechanism whereby the geomancer, using intention could implant the souls in their places remotely? Just as I am going round discovering and uncovering them remotely? Otherwise it would have been some dark Gandalf like figure, trudging across the damp and windy landscape for months on end with a packhorse and a helper…getting stuck up to their thighs in honest Scottish boglands… There must have been another way.  

Scotland was interesting in other ways too, in the way the land was divided up and some of the islands having prisons and some not. It’s wild and woolly up there and I’d like to visit physically again. 

The North of England. 

And then Northern Ireland and of course it’s border with Eire. 

That’s when my work really began!! When I start looking at a new area, for whatever reason the pendulum takes me to the top of the “clockface” of the area and then moves anti-clockwise until the prison locations meet up again at the top of the clock or meet another circled area… Most prisons being many miles apart. This was just so at the top of the country of Northern Ireland, which is coastline, but as we gained the mainland, suddenly the distance between the prison locations diminished noticeably and they were coming at only one hundred meters apart or less. The border between the two countries is extremely wiggly and looking ahead I could see nothing but wiggle, wiggle, wiggle and hours of mighty tedious work tracking through the farmland and boglands of that obviously beautiful but remote country. And so it proved. Day after day, hour upon hour I would point, click, rescale, point, click, double click and use the Google earth castle marker and then click and…start over again…hundreds, and then doubtless a thousand times and more. In the very centre of it all, bless the Irish, something that kept me laughing for hours, a place aptly called…”The Bog”. Perfectly described. I was probably half way and getting very tired. More days than I remember passed, but then I started to see the end of it. Only two more days of click and click and point and click. Not heroic work. One more day….and then finally, the coast hove in to view and then it was over. To zoom out to see the tracks of these prisons lying across the fair landscape, looking like a blue/white extensive caterpillar, knowing the sadness that lay there in each place of hundreds and hundreds of places was no reason for celebration, just relief and the anticipation that one day soon all of these souls would be released. I dowsed that there were seven in each single location. The system being created in 1963 and by far the newest of all the prison systems I have come across. By the very nature of the way the system was set out here I have the very strong suspicion that the British Army had something to do with it. Something to do with the Sectarian troubles that have plagued that beautiful country, ever since the English have tried to rule there. Again it might have been done remotely as with the remoter parts of Scotland, but something in the placements of prisons reminded me of Orienteering exercises we used to do at school when we were in the Cadet Corps. 

The intensity of the Northern Ireland Border.

Whilst all this was going on I had been thinking I’d need help to sort all this out… The thought of releasing one by one all these prisons truly would have been a life work. I’d thought and tried previously to start my own Facebook page to do this release work…but it just didn’t attract people. Facebook is pretty clunky I find and very few people were inspired at that time….but then I started to do the mapping work and set up a page and used the name Lumis…and presto!! Now we have nearly thirty members… Some of whom are very evidently highly experienced and knowledgeable in dowsing or some other aspect of geomancy etc. and all of whom seem to have a commitment to the release work. This turns out to be another wonderful opportunity for mind to go off on another bender as momentarily I’m on fire with being again the centre of attention, although with just a few folk as my following it’s different to hundreds…. But then Spirit, or body or something saves me from that awful fate of delusion and as soon as I finish the marking of the map I get the most awful neck pain…so much so that I convince myself that I’ve another bloody tumour suddenly shown up and it’s going to kill me slowly or quickly and I’ll be lying half dead on the floor of the ship for weeks before anyone can find me…. My main concern is Freddy… 

So I decide also, with the new Lumis being a beautiful shiny potential, it must too be cared for if I’m to finally fall in a heap…and I ask Mave and Wendy to be Admins, and instantly the energy around the page and my health and all my shocking fears, that took me straight back to the moments of death that I faced a year and a bit ago, all evaporated and very quickly I felt better. I understand there was a lot of love sent my way during that brief time…but actually I believe I couldn’t hold the ownership of the page to myself and had to release it…and I’m very glad about this. I’m glad I started it and have produced “The Map”, which seems to be creating it’s own place in the world as well…but I’m happy more to be working with others again in a grand and worthwhile adventure and very soon we will have our first Zoom meeting where it looks like the anticipation is that we will try to release ALL the prisons at once, as a wave of intention. I was holding fast to the idea that we needed to be organised in order to do this work. Some doing research, some investigating the earth energy lines associated with the prisons, and some actually doing the release work…in an organised fashion…but, if we can imagine it, it must be possible, so to imagine the dissolution of the entire system that I unveiled, all in one fell swoop is a magnificent intention. I’ll get back to you to see how we get along!! I’m actually expecting further shenanigans with the economy, the Royals…definitely number 10 and the whole Parliamentary system and who knows what else? All as a result of what we are just about to do. It could be massive…and turbulent. Eventually I believe it will be magnificent…. and I trust I will be there to see it begin. 

So the zoom meeting went really quite well in various ways. 

I did a show and tell of some of what I had discovered in plotting the map and was amazed that after that I was asked some interesting and pertinent questions…some about myself, which was a surprise, though understandable I suppose bearing in mind how new I was to the world of dowsing and geomancy… and how the map was created…. 

Unfortunately, very soon after this, just as we were about to embark upon our first actual zoom clearance session, I was alerted by Wendy that there was trouble afoot. Folk weren’t happy. I had seen a few days before that J… had said a few things on the fb page to do with the feminine being behind some of the dark energy occurrences around the world…and quite a few women took exception to this…so much so that apparently he was looked in to and found wanting in various ways. There were concerns that he was a “trickster” energy that had wheedled his way in to the group via me and that he had corrupted me, cast a dark shadow on me and was feeding misinformation and negativity in to the group generally. At the very same time, Mave, whom I understood to be experienced in this geomancy work started telling me that there were issues with the map and how J… had influenced how it came in to being and how I was suddenly in great danger. 

As you will have read, my relationship with J… was pretty tenuous, although it was indeed he that pointed me at the soul prison situation at Battle that started this whole thing off. He had offered some advice over various things and I had picked and chosen some and ignored others, specifically anything that was off my radar…Dracos and Lizards and off world folk… I was really quite confused by this sudden eruption of discontent that occurred out of seeming nowhere. 

Wendy however wasn’t finished and looked much more deeply in to the situation. She told me that actually she had “seen” that J… had gone off searching for various soul pieces of mine and although he had claimed to have given them back to me, she said that he had kept them himself…. This of course was very concerning as I trusted Wendy in her work and it’s true that he had told me he was hunting out soul pieces of mine, but he’d said that after he’d done it….which really is a bit naughty. So, further confusion, and I determined to keep a low profile on the fb page to give myself time to sort this all out….but then Mave really went off on a further wobbly, removed herself from the fb page and took several of her mates with her. 
I got in touch with Karleen who was completely removed from the situation and asked her what she felt. We decided that I should go on another little “journey” to see what the man J… had been up to. 

She had called as I was driving. 

Sitting in my car by the side of a very busy road with my phone on loudspeaker, we started another extraordinary journey. 

I found initially that I had trouble seeing anything in my third eye. I do actually usually have trouble seeing anything on my own, save for my last vision with my guides and the beautiful light filled lady, and Karleen had to come to me and spark up my pineal gland to get me started. 

Finally I got a vision of a wonderful old Harley Davidson motor bike. All chrome and shiny steel and paint….just there in front of me. I jumped on the bike and off we went down long straight American roads….the concrete humming under the wheels…. Telegraph poles flashing by…passing through one horse towns….and eventually in to a city of glass and skyscrapers… I arrived at the foot of one…entered the lobby and took an elevator up to the top floor to a huge apartment which overlooked the city. All very chi chi, with minimalist furniture and enormous glass windows. J… was there, more in essence than physicality, but I ignored that presence and looked around. In a back room I discovered a kind of steamer trunk, which of course I opened and set within it there were numerous shiny black and blue fabric bags which I knew immediately held trapped souls, held there by some dark magic. I opened one and it contained an object that I didn’t fully recognise. I think now it may have been a so called Bull Roarer. A device used by ancient cultures to summon spirits… Basically a wing on a string that you whizz round your head and it makes a flickering humming sound… 

I opened another bag and it contained an aeroplane. A very particular type called a Constellation. Totally cool in style terms….and suddenly I had become it’s pilot and all the trapped souls in the steamer trunk joined me as our passengers and we took off!!! I was very happy about this, to have entered the hideaway of a dark enemy and freed all these souls…..but then became aware that some black bag spells were still with us and they had attracted a huge dark cloud that was catching us up from behind. I didn’t feel I had the strength of intention available to fight this off and fly the plane so I asked Karleen to come and sort it out, which she did bless her. 

We landed back at home base and all the tourists in the back got off and were loaded up in to a handy waiting coach. I believe they were all on their ways to the souls they belonged to on this level of existence and it was very satisfying to see them go. I was just standing around, witnessing the wonder of this and then saw the very handsome airplane’s captain standing before me. He was seriously sharp in his suit and hat and gold stripes ….but suddenly he morphed in to a pilot from a World War Two era bomber, complete with parachute, leather helmet and heavy sheepskin suit and great solid boots….and then he morphed in to a young French tart, all in a white frock and silky stockings with seams down the back ….and then a lumberjack guy wearing a rigger’s helmet…then a guy just covered in Bling…a bit like that mad boxing promoter Don King….and then finally a huge elephant appeared with a Mowgli figure set on top. The elephant was glowing with inner light and very impressive in size and demeanour. Apart from an air hostess that was ushering these folk through, that was that!!! A huge pair of gates closed behind them and I had the very strong sense that all these folk were my soul shards -come home to me….rescued by this little bit of daring-do on my part…..rescued unfortunately from the clutches of someone I had trusted….to some extent at least .and all thanks to Karleen for facilitating it and coming to the rescue just in time!!. I have a lot to learn about the business I have entered in to… 

I’d halted the zoom clearance meeting that we were in the midst of arranging and started to think about all of this and whether I wanted to continue with it all as it was suddenly far from straight forward, running a fb page…organising everybody and trusting they would all behave!!!…it’s just like herding cats….and I felt so tired all of a sudden. I have such limited amounts of energy available to me. I actually just didn’t want to be faffed with it all, But really, I was feeling above all that this was all very complex. There were very few people to be trusted, as in life I suppose…though I always try to start out with trust….and there was so much I didn’t know and apparently people were really out there to use you and abuse you. All very dark and did I want a part in it??? Well not really….but I really do want to do the clearing of all these prisons….so I asked if I could start, and yes, it seems this is my task. 

I started on Jersey, it being a smallish island and perhaps just because it’s the most southerly part of the British Isles. I asked if I could clear all the prisons at once, thinking that’d be easier..and fortunately I was clearly told that I could. So, I started the invocation. Nice and clear and simple. I checked after I’d finished and there were now no prisons there and no loose souls or any other dark energy or magic as I had expanded my invitation to clear absolutely everything from the entire island that was of dark energy. I double checked and asked if there were once prisons there and the answer was yes…which I think is about as far as I can go to check that all of this is real. 

On to Guernsey and then the Scilly Islands. That was enough for one day and I really felt I had had enough after just those few locations. It’s something to do with holding a higher frequency…tires me no end. 

Next day I set to on the prisons of the southern portion of Wales and around the Pembroke coast and the Gower. I know the Gower a bit of course. That’s where Arthur’s stone was and the little known spring on the other side of the hill. There’s real satisfaction in this work, building up a series of colour changes on the map….the red area of releases becoming larger… So much more to go… I go to the Isle of Man and then one or two islands off the Scottish coast. Soon, England. 

The creeping red of the cleared locations over the blue of all the prisons. 

The news is grim elsewhere though. Russia invades Ukraine. I must have a look at the Kremlin.